
A phased rollout for the COVID-19 vaccine has begun in New Jersey. The COVID-19 vaccine is covered at no cost to you. To learn more about COVID-19, the approved vaccines and information about where you can get vaccinated,

It is important to continue to protect yourself and others from COVID-19, even after you get the vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends you:

  • Wear a mask: cover your nose and mouth with a non-medical or cloth mask.

  • Practice social distancing: stay six feet apart from others not in your household.

  • Wash your hands frequently: use warm water and soap for 20 seconds or hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

  • Stay home and avoid contact with othersif you are sick or start to have symptoms like a runny nose, cough or fever.

如果你一直在世博会sed to someone with COVID-19, or you are experiencing symptoms, call your doctor.

A message from Don Liss, MD

Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey

Horizon NJ Health encourages you to follow the recommendations of the CDC and the New Jersey Department of Health to get a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized COVID-19 vaccination. The FDA requires extensive testing for safety and effectiveness before vaccines are used. Until everyone is protected by vaccination, you should continue to avoid people who are sick, social distance, wear a mask in public and wash your hands often to avoid spreading infection.