Program for Elderly Members

Horizon NJ Health has a new program to assist you with your elderly members.

The Horizon NJ Health Elderly Program was developed for members 65 years old and older who have been identified with depression and/or cognitive impairment.

The program is designed to foster a partnership with the provider as a way to promote the well being of our elderly members and their care givers.

Elderly Program staff will screen and identify your elderly patients for depression or cognitive impairment and can alert you about these members. As partners, we can share educational information, care outcomes and community resources for your elderly patients.

The US Department of Health and Human Services has a handbook you might find valuable called “Talking with Your Older Patient: A Clinician’s Handbook” (United States Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute on Aging).

You can view the handbook hope the information is useful for caring for your elderly members.

For more information, please call 1-888-682-9094 at extension 89385 and ask for the Elderly Program.